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Tuition and Fees

Colorado residency status is not a factor in determining online, distance, or off-campus tuition rates, however, residency status is a factor in determining tuition rates for some on-campus credit courses. Tuition assessed through CSU Online is in addition to any other tuition assessed by the University.

FA24 tuition rates will be updated in Summer after the Board of Governors' meeting and approval.

See individual courses for current pricing. Browse credit courses »

Undergraduate Degree Programs

Agricultural Business B.S. $476 per credit
Anthropology B.A. $476 per credit
Communication Studies B.A. $476 per credit
Computer Science B.S. $476 per credit
Economics B.A. $476 per credit
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics B.S. $476 per credit
Fire and Emergency Services Administration B.S. $476 per credit
Horticulture B.S. $476 per credit
Human Development and Family Studies B.S. $476 per credit
Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts B.A. $476 per credit
Journalism and Media Communication B.A. $476 per credit
Natural Resource Tourism B.S. $476 per credit
Political Science B.A. $476 per credit
Psychology B.S. $476 per credit
Sociology B.A. $476 per credit
Soil and Crop Sciences B.S. $476 per credit

Graduate Degree Programs

Adult Education and Training (M.Ed.) $694 per credit
Advanced Manufacturing (M.E.) $964 per credit
Aerospace Engineering (M.E.) $964 per credit
Master of Agribusiness and Food Innovation Management $800 per credit
Agricultural Sciences (M.Agr.) $624 per credit
Applied Statistics (M.A.S.) $835 per credit
Arts Leadership and Cultural Management (M.A.L.C.M.) $681 per credit
Bioagricultural Sciences (M.S.) $624 per credit
Biomedical Engineering (M.E.) $964 per credit
Business Administration (M.B.A.) $998 per credit
Civil Engineering (M.E. or M.S.) $993 per credit
Communications and Media Management (M.C.M.M.) $774 per credit
Computer Engineering (M.E.) $705 per credit
Computer Information Systems (M.C.I.S.) $867 per credit
Computer Science (M.C.S.) $715 per credit
Conducting (M.M.) $620 per credit
Dietetics (M.S.) $580 per credit
Education Sciences (M.Ed. & Principal Licensure) $650 per credit
Education Sciences (M.Ed. & Teacher Licensure) $650 per credit
Electrical Engineering (M.E.) $705 per credit
Engineering Management (M.E.) $1085 per credit
Extension Education (M.Ext.Ed.) $624 per credit
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (M.F.W.C.B.) $705 per credit
Higher Education Leadership (Ph.D.) $945 per credit
Horticulture and Human Health (M.S.) $634 per credit
Industrial/Organizational Psychology (M.A.I.O.P.) $770 per credit
Kodály Music Education (M.M.) $620 per credit
Mechanical Engineering (M.E.) $964 per credit
Microbiology-Immunology (M.S.) $990 per credit
Music Therapy (M.M.) $662 per credit
Music Therapy (Ph.D.) $773 (per 700-level credit);
$662 (per master's level credit)
Natural Resources Stewardship (M.N.R.S.) $726 per credit
Natural Sciences Education (M.N.S.E.) $627 per credit
Organizational Learning, Performance, and Change (M.Ed.) $745 per credit
Organizational Learning, Performance, and Change (Ph.D.) $1,100 per credit
Prevention Science Practice (M.P.S.P.) $630 per credit
Public Policy and Administration (M.P.P.A.) $604 per credit
Sport Management (M.S.M.) $800 per credit
Social Work (M.S.W.) $725 per credit
Student Affairs in Higher Education (M.S.) $698 per credit
Systems Engineering (M.E. or M.S.) $1,175 per credit
Systems Engineering (Ph.D. or Doctor of Engineering) $1,175 per credit
Tourism Management (M.T.M.) $794 per credit
Zoo, Aquarium, and Animal Shelter Management (P.S.M.) $705 per credit

Graduate Certificate Programs

Advanced Manufacturing $964 per credit
Aerospace Engineering $964 per credit
Aerospace: Satellites, Radars, and Remote Sensing $705 per credit
Adult Basic Education $654 per credit
Advanced Clinical Behavioral Health $725 per credit
Advanced Silviculture for the Practicing Forester $726 per credit
Adventure Tourism $794 per credit
Applied Finance $998 per credit
Applied Global Stability $624 - $993 per credit
Applied Investments $624 - $998 per credit
Applied Positive Psychology $770 per credit
Arts Management $681 per credit
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering $964 per credit
Business Application Development $867 per credit
Business Information Systems $867 per credit
Business Intelligence $867 per credit
Business Management $998 per credit
Campus Crisis Management $698 per credit
Carbon Management $685 per credit
Climate Adaptation and Risk Management $705-794 per credit
Communications for Conservation $794 per credit
Communication and Technology $774 per credit
Computer Systems Engineering $705 - $715 per credit
Conflict Resolution and Mediation $725 per credit
Conservation Actions with Lands, Animals, and People $705 per credit
Corporate Finance $998 per credit
Cybersecurity $867 per credit
Data Analysis $835 per credit
Data Engineering $705 - $1175 per credit
Embedded Systems $705 - $715 per credit
Entrepreneurship and Innovation $998 per credit
Facilitating Adult Learning $694 per credit
Global Supply Chain Management $660-$998 per credit
High-Impact On-Demand Learning Solutions $745 per credit
Horticulture and Human Health $634 per credit
Human Centered Design Thinking $689 per credit
Hydraulic Design $993 per credit
International Security $586 per credit
IT Project Management $867 per credit
Marketing Management $998 per credit
Nonprofit Administration $725 per credit
Nutrition Sciences $627 per credit
Organizational Leadership $998 per credit
Postsecondary Access and Success $698 per credit
Public Policy Analysis $604 per credit
PreK-12 School Social Worker $725 per credit
Prevention Program Planning and Evaluation $630 per credit
Ski Area Management $794 per credit
Social Aspects of Human-Animal Interactions $794 per credit
Student Affairs Administration $698 per credit
Student Affairs Management of Auxiliary Enterprises $698 per credit
Sustainable Military Lands Management $726 per credit
Systems Engineering Practice $1,175 per credit
Teaching in Extension $624 per credit
Theory and Applications of Regression Models $835 per credit
Urban Agriculture $634 per credit
Water Resources $712 - $993 per credit
Wildlife Conservation Actions $705 per credit

Colorado State University reserves the right to change tuition rates without notice. Tuition rates are subject to increase on an annual basis. All prices refer to U.S. currency.

Course Fees

Certain courses carry specific course fees for additional services and materials such as travel, equipment, room rental, and other miscellaneous costs.

University Fees

All University fees are assessed and collected through the standard student billing process. These fees should not be paid to individuals or academic departments.

Technology Fee

A $32 technology fee applies to all students taking credit courses through the University to help support increasing technological needs, improvements, and advancements. This fee is assessed each term the student is registered.

Facility Fee (on-campus courses only)

A $23.75 per-credit hour facility fee applies to students attending courses held on-campus to support the construction and maintenance of Colorado State University`s campus facilities.

Sponsored Billing Fee

Companies or agencies (sponsors) who request to be billed for a student`s tuition will be assessed a non-refundable $50 service fee per student per semester. Students always have the option of paying tuition themselves. Failure to pay this billing service charge by a sponsor will result in termination of future sponsor billing requests. Learn more about sponsored billing »

Summer Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees listed are for CSU Online students only. CSU campus students taking CSU Online courses will be assessed tuition and fees based on student type. For additional information, visit CSU Summer Session.

Residency status is a factor for determining tuition for a small number of on-campus courses listed on our website. Please see course pages for the most accurate tuition information. For residency status definitions, please visit the General Catalog, Financial Services section.

More Information

If you have additional questions about Tuition and Fees, please contact our Student Success Team at (970) 492-4898.