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Bioagricultural Sciences M.S. – Pest Management Specialization

Top 1%
of universities worldwide, according to The Center for World University Rankings.
of CSU grads secure a job related to their career plans within six months of graduation.
More than nine out of ten Rams would select CSU again.
Average student-to-faculty ratio.
Degree Overview Open Accordion
online sustainability training

Learn to sustain our food supply and provide agricultural biosecurity

Insects, plant diseases, and weeds cause major annual losses in food production worldwide. The Pest Management M.S. degree is the only internship-based M.S. in the United States that provides training on all biotic stresses faced in food production, including entomology, plant pathology, and weed science.

The Pest Management M.S. degree is a Plan B M.S. coursework and internship-based program that prepares students to work to sustain our food and fiber supply, provide agricultural biosecurity, and protect our natural ecosystems from pests, plant diseases, and weeds. Students complete coursework, an internship, and a professional paper.

A career path with growing industry demand

There is a great need for people with advanced training in agriculture and food systems, and the number of people currently prepared to work in these fields is lower than the number of jobs available.

Explore Careers Open Accordion

This program prepares students to work as extension educators, import/export inspectors, crop advisors, or in multiple industry roles focused on management of insects, plant diseases, and weeds in agricultural systems. Overall, employment of students from our graduate programs is nearly 100%.

Faculty Open Accordion
Amy Charkowski

Amy Charkowski

My research goal is to learn how necrotrophic bacterial pathogens cause disease in plants. My lab focuses on Pectobacterium and Dickeya, which are broad host range bacterial pathogens and we study how these bacteria infect potato and how to best detect these pathogens in potato and in the environment. We are also interested in other high impact potato pathogens, especially Potato virus Y, and are currently working on projects related to virus resistance and detection in potato.

Ada Szczepaniec

Ada Szczepaniec

I have always been fascinated by pest outbreaks and drawn to the molecular interactions between arthropod herbivores and plants that underlie eruptive pest dynamics. I integrate molecular approaches with field and greenhouse research to promote deeper understanding of mechanisms that lower resistance of plants in managed landscapes. The goal of my work is to make meaningful contributions to extend this knowledge to plant protection and improve long-term sustainability of pest management.

Current work is focused on sustainable approaches to management of pests associated with new crops such as industrial hemp, direct and indirect host plant defenses against insects and mites and their mechanisms, and insecticide resistance..

Jane Stewart

Jane Stewart

My research interests include: understanding the biology, ecology and genetics of emerging tree/plant pathogenic fungi using population genetics and genomic methods, studying the interactions of plant and fungi that govern variation in host specialization, pathogenicity, and virulence, and understanding genomic drivers of fungal species delimitation and divergence with a focus on pathogens important to Colorado’s forests, shade and fruit trees, and forests worldwide.

Todd Gaines

Todd Gaines

My research goal is to support sustainable weed management that helps contribute to sustainable cropping systems. To that end, I am interested in research to identify the molecular and genetic basis of complex herbicide resistance mechanisms; utilizing next-generation sequencing to study complex traits in weeds; and developing molecular markers for rapid resistance diagnostics. Research projects in my lab study changes in evolutionary trajectories of weedy species due to human management (specifically herbicides and herbicide resistance evolution), and develop genomics and bioinformatics resources to study herbicide resistance traits in weedy species and crops.

Ana Cristina Fulladolsa

Ana Cristina Fulladolsa

I am passionate about applying science to solve agricultural problems. Plant diagnostics gives me the opportunity to do exactly this! Each sample is unique and brings new questions. I enjoy discovering the answers and helping people find the best way to take care of their plants. I am dedicated to mentoring and teaching everyone that comes to the clinic. I love sharing science with people of all backgrounds and encourage curiosity for plant science among younger generations and the public.

Curriculum Open Accordion

Effective Fall 2023

Section 1: Core Foundation (15 credits)

Section 2: Agricultural Biology Electives

Select 13-19 credits from this list. Do not exceed the number of 300/400-level credits permitted by the Graduate School for this degree.

Section 3: General Electives

Select 0-6 credits from this list. Do not exceed the number of 300/400-level credits permitted by the Graduate School for this degree.

Program Total Credits: 34

¹ Internship placement to be selected in coordination with departmental program advisor and graduate advisor. Includes a professional development plan for the internship (3 credits).

² Includes a professional paper on topic related to student's specialization and approved by the student’s advisor and graduate committee (6 credits).

³ Enroll in department seminar for 1 credit twice (2 semesters total, 2 credits total).

⁴ If these Foundation undergraduate courses were not taken during the undergraduate degree, complete as part of the M.S. degree.

Elective Options

How to Apply Open Accordion

Application Deadlines

Fall semester July 15
Spring semester December 1
Summer semester April 1

1Review Admission Requirements

The Master of Science in Bioagricultural Sciences - Pest Management Specialization degree requires applicants to have the following:

  • Bachelor's degree from a regionally-accredited institution.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 on all undergraduate coursework .
  • No GRE required

Note that meeting the minimum department standards does not ensure admission to the program. Admission to Colorado State University graduate programs is based on a number of factors, including prior academic and professional experience and the personal statement.

2 Prepare Application Materials

Prepare the materials below and upload when you apply online.

  • Three letters of recommendation
    Three professional recommendations are required. You will provide information about your recommenders in the online application. CSU will contact them with instructions and a link to a secure form they will submit on your behalf.
  • Statement of purpose
    The statement of purpose is typically 1-2 pages and briefly describes:
    • Your background
    • Your educational goals and leadership potential
    • Your research interests and experience
    • Why you are a good fit in the program
    • Motivation for pursuing graduate work in integrated resource management
  • Resume
    Your resume should contain the following:
    • Record of all education and training, including names of institutions, periods of attendance, and degree earned
    • Record of all professional employment including dates of service (including military)
    • List of any special skills or competencies (including certifications and licensures)
    • List of publications, exhibitions, prizes, awards, or other recognition
    • List of service activities (including community and charitable)

3 Complete Online Application

Note: This program is not currently accepting applications.

4 Request Transcripts

Request one official transcript of all collegiate work completed from all institutions attended. Transcripts from Colorado State University are not required. Transcripts must be received directly from the originating institution to be considered official.

Please Note: Students may be unconditionally admitted and registered in their first semester of courses with an unofficial transcript. Official transcripts must be submitted, prior to or during your first semester, before you can register for your second semester of graduate work. Failure to meet this condition will result in your dismissal from the Graduate School.

Electronic (preferred):
Digital Transcripts must be submitted by the originating institution using a secure service such as parchment, eScrip-Safe, the National Student Clearinghouse, or e-Quals. Transcripts received via emails are considered unofficial.

Use institution code 4075 for Colorado State University or if the secure service requires an email address.

Mail (if necessary)
Graduate Admissions
Colorado State University – Office of Admissions
1062 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1062

Check Your Application Status

View your application status at any time to ensure your application checklist is complete or to check on updates.

Once your complete application, including supporting materials, is received, the department admission committee will review your application and notify you of their decision.

For International Applicants

Proof of English language proficiency is required for applicants from countries or United States territories where there are official languages other than (or in addition to) English. This includes the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico.

Learn more about English language proficiency requirements.


We love learning about your goals and answering any questions you have.

Morgan Parsley
Prospective Student Support Coach
Schedule Time to Talk

Program Details

$624 per credit
Same in-state tuition for all.
Learn more about financial aid and scholarships Tuition/fees are just part of the cost to attend CSU. Learn more about the full Cost of Attendance
Degree Awarded
Master of Science in Bioagricultural Sciences, Pest Management Specialization
Time Frame
Can be completed in 2 years
Admission Reqs.
  • Bachelor's degree
  • 3.0 GPA on all undergraduate coursework
  • GRE not required

Application Dates

Fall semester
July 15
Spring semester
December 1
Summer semester
April 1

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