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FW 567 - Wildlife Disease Ecology

  • 3 credits
FW 567 explores a wide range of contemporary topics related to wildlife disease and applies these concepts to wildlife management. Topics include, but are not limited to, parasite diversity and evolution, disease detection, the evolution and consequences of virulence and immunity, disease impacts on behavior, transmission modes, vaccination, and multihost pathogens. Students will discuss the management of current wildlife diseases in the context of these topics, as well as gaining experience in implementing epidemiological models to understand and predict the spread of disease through wildlife populations.

Textbooks and Materials

No textbook required.


Ecology; STAT 301 (Introduction to Statistical Methods) or Introduction to Biostatistics

Important Information

Registration is restricted to FWCB Plan C Masters students until June 3. Any seats remaining in the course will be available to non-Plan C students at that time.

Textbooks and Materials

No textbook(s) required.


Dan Preston

Dan received a BS degree from Oregon State University in 2009, a PhD from the University of Colorado-Boulder in 2015, and was a postdoc at Oregon State University from 2015 to 2018. His research interests focus on the ecology and conservation of freshwater ecosystems. Current projects focus on: 1) Parasite ecology, including drivers of disease risk and the roles of parasites in community dynamics, food webs, and ecosystem processes; 2) Causes and consequences of aquatic species invasions, with a focus on how invasion outcomes are influenced by other forms of environmental change; 3) Trophic interactions in freshwater streams, especially factors driving variation in the strength of species interactions and the resulting consequences for communities; 4) Structure and functioning of high elevation aquatic ecosystems in the context of climate change; and 5) Effects of urbanization of aquatic ecosystem properties and community structure.