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Theory and Applications of Regression Models Graduate Certificate

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Certificate Overview Open Accordion
Online Statistics Certificate in Theory & Application of Regression Models

Online statistics certificate for professionals in any industry

Statisticians have their pick of compelling problems and fields to work in. Are you interested in climate change? Or wild animal populations? Or do you prefer to use your expertise to help resolve human health issues? Whether you already work with data and would like to advance in your career, or if you are seeking to gain the know-how and credentials to break into a new area, earning the Graduate Certificate in Theory and Applications of Regression Models can help you get there.

Use regression models to spot trends

Regression analysis estimates the relationship between variables and is widely used for prediction and forecasting. This graduate certificate in statistics covers applications of multiple regression and generalized regression models, as well as a theoretical background for these topics. The focus is on understanding patterns and structure in data, and the explanation and presentation of findings.

Real-world examples of statistical or regression modeling at work

  • Natural resource and science professionals often collect data in the field and use statistical modeling to extract results. Marine biologists studying whales along the Pacific coast can use regression modeling to estimate size (body weight) of whales, based on other variables that are easier to measure (such as body length).
  • Statistical modeling is used in climate and weather studies. When we see a weather forecast, the temperatures and likely precipitation for the coming week is predicted by past data applied to a statistical model.
  • Financial market predictions and evaluations use regression models to calculate risk, value assets, and analyze trends in the stock market.
  • The health industry relies on modeling on every level, from research (such as modeling of spliced genes) to communicating findings that affect the public’s health.
  • Organizations and companies often need to project the likely success or failure of complex systems before expending resources. Modeling can help predict outcomes that could otherwise prove costly.
  • In any industry or field, advanced applications of regression modeling include designing studies, analyzing data, interpreting results of the analysis and communicating those results to constituencies. This allows investigators to make educated decisions based on reliable predictive models.

Who can benefit from learning regression modeling?

Advance in your career with top-of-the-industry data modeling skills. This online statistics certificate is geared toward data analysts and professionals in diverse fields, as well as graduate students, who have a strong math background and a desire to improve their computational and statistical abilities. The modeling skills gained in this program are used in environmental and agricultural statistics, social sciences, engineering, business, health, finance, and many other fields. Improve your analytical skills and be better equipped to:

  • Analyze data effectively
  • Interpret results
  • Explain findings of statistical analyses

Learn to find patterns in data using computer simulation and programming

Students in this program will gain an understanding and background in probability and mathematical statistics, followed by coursework in applied regression and generalized regression models.

This graduate certificate in statistics builds applicable skills and incorporates hands-on learning by teaching computer programming in every course. Computer simulation is used to teach probability and math statistics so students can work through the application of a theory and make it practice-based. The name of the programming software used is “R” (also R Studio), a standard tool in many industries.

In addition to learning the latest theory and methodology in the industry, you will:

  • Gain R programming skills.
  • Sharpen your data analysis skills – by performing data analysis using real data and working with data that is not “neat.”
  • Sharpen your modeling skills – by performing regression analyses and categorical data analysis.
  • Improve your quantitative reasoning skills.
  • Work with case studies to learn what you can and can’t do (some are students’ own studies that they bring to faculty for use in class).
  • Learn about modern techniques in regression and modeling.
  • Learn multivariate analysis techniques (available in an elective course).
  • Gain a broader knowledgebase with courses that are 1-2 credits each, allowing you to study more topics while earning your online certificate.
  • Get a head start by being exposed to the many types of problems you’ll encounter in industry and develop your base knowledge for how to face these problems, where to start, and how to troubleshoot solutions.

Study with expert faculty creating innovative techniques for analyzing data

CSU’s statistics faculty have strong research and consulting backgrounds. They encounter real world problems often and bring those experiences into the courses you will take to earn the Graduate Certificate in Theory and Applications of Regression Models.

Courses are taught by faculty who present at conferences and consult privately, outside the university. While problem-solving modern challenges, faculty often create new methods for analyzing data, which keeps students ahead of the latest trends and techniques.

Join a collaborative community of online students

Students who complete the statistics certificate online receive the same high-quality education and credentials as students on campus.

Online students have the added benefit of a flexible schedule that allows you to:

  • Watch courses either synchronously or asynchronously. On campus courses are recorded live and online students can join in if they want. Later in the day, a link to the recording is shared.
  • Work within the same discussion boards and on the same assignments together with on-campus students.

The Department of Statistics takes a “students first” approach to communication and makes every effort to work with students on their schedule to help solve roadblocks or problems.

Apply credits toward your Master of Applied Statistics degree

This online statistics certificate is a companion to the Master of Applied Statistics (MAS) degree. Ten credits can transfer into the MAS program (with a grade of B or better) and can be applied toward the degree after formal admission per University transfer policies. However, successful completion of the courses or certificate does not guarantee admission to the degree program.

Curriculum Open Accordion


You must be admitted to this program for the certificate to appear on your official University transcript.

Admission requires:

  • An undergraduate statistics course
  • Three semesters of calculus, to include multiple integration
  • One semester of linear algebra

The following are required skills courses and should be taken first:

GSLL 3095 is intended not only as a review, but also as instruction in using math skills in a statistical context; it does not replace the math prerequisites indicated. GSLL 3096 covers use of SAS and R Programing. STAT 500 is a one-credit version of GSLL 3096.

Additional coursework may be required due to prerequisites.

Core Courses:

Select two credits from the following:

This program can be completed in one year, though completion time will vary based on the number of credits successfully completed each semester.

Courses in this certificate may be common with those in other graduate certificates. A student may earn more than one certificate, but a given course may be counted only toward one certificate.

How to Apply Open Accordion

Application Deadlines

For full consideration, submit your application and supporting documents prior to the deadline date. The program starts each fall. Students who completed prior program coursework may be considered for admission in the spring term.

Fall semester May 1

Start your application online and upload materials directly into the online system. You can save your progress and return any time.

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1Review Admission Requirements

  • Undergraduate degree from an accredited four-year institution
  • One course in statistics, three semesters of calculus, one semester of linear algebra
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher from your most recent degree completed. GPAs lower than 3.0 may be considered as determined by the Graduate Program Committee. Please submit an academic performance explanation if your GPA was lower than 3.0.

Meeting the minimum requirements does not ensure admission to the certificate program. Admission is based on a number of factors, including prior academic and professional experience, your personal statement, and fit with the program.

Theory and Applications of Regression Models is a rigorous program that requires regular application of the skills learned in calculus, linear algebra, and statistics. If it has been more than 10 years since you have taken these math courses (or more than five years if these skills are not utilized on a regular basis in the workplace), please contact the department prior to applying.

2 Prepare Application Materials

Prepare the materials below and upload when you apply online.

  • Resume

3 Complete Online Application

Complete the online graduate application and pay the nonrefundable application processing fee (payable online). As soon as you have completed the required information, please submit your application. Your application will not be reviewed until it is complete and all required materials have been received.

  • Select "Theory and Applications of Regression Models (Certificate) – Distance" when choosing the Program of Study. (Note: You must first select "Certificate" at the top.)

4 Request Transcripts

Request one official transcript from the institution where you earned your bachelor’s degree. Transcripts must be received directly from the originating institution to be considered official. Transcripts from Colorado State University are not required.

Electronic (preferred):
Digital Transcripts must be submitted by the originating institution using a secure service such as parchment, eScrip-Safe, the National Student Clearinghouse, or e-Quals. Transcripts received via emails are considered unofficial.

Use institution code 4075 for Colorado State University or if the secure service requires an email address.

Mail (if necessary):
Graduate Admissions
Colorado State University – Office of Admissions
1062 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1062

Check Your Application Status

View your application status at any time to ensure your application checklist is complete or to check on updates.

Once your complete application, including supporting materials, is received, the department admission committee will review your application and notify you of their decision.

For International Applicants

Proof of English language proficiency is required for applicants from countries or United States territories where there are official languages other than (or in addition to) English. This includes the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico.

Learn more about English language proficiency requirements.


We love learning about your goals and answering any questions you have.

Nicole Schmidt
Prospective Student Support Coach
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Program Details

10-11 credits
$835 per credit
Same in-state tuition for all.
Learn more about financial aid and scholarships Tuition/fees are just part of the cost to attend CSU. Learn more about the full Cost of Attendance
Certificate Awarded
Graduate Certificate in Theory and Applications of Regression Models
Time Frame
Can be completed in 1 year
Admission Reqs.
  • Undergraduate degree from an accredited four-year institution.
  • 3.0 GPA on all undergraduate coursework
  • One course in statistics, three semesters of calculus, one semester of linear algebra

Application Dates

Fall semester
May 1

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