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PSY 493 - Capstone Seminar

  • 3 credits
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Welcome to History and Systems of Psychology. I hope you find the course to be enjoyable and stimulating. The course focuses on the history of the discipline of psychology from its early roots in ancient times to its contemporary developments. It is a unique approach to history, and I hope that you develop an appreciation for the history you encounter in this course.

The course is intended to:

  1. Reflect on your experience with history and think critically about how you will view future experiences through a historical lens.  
  2. Gain an integrated and historical perspective of the field.  
  3. Discuss the ways that historical developments outside of psychology shape the discipline. 
  4. Apply analytical and critical thinking as well as ethical standards and values to the systems of functionalism, structuralism, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, and cognitive psychology. 
  5. Examine the ways in which world views (religious, political, moral, and psychological) shape views of humans and psychology. 
  6. Identify and explain the history of the philosophical and scientific bases of the evolution of modern psychology. 
  7. Develop and articulate ideas, critiques and conclusions relative to your study of Psychology.  
  8. Engage in professional development and lifelong learning.  


PSY 210 (Psychology of the Individual in Context); PSY 250 (Research Design and Analysis I); PSY 252 (Mind, Brain and Behavior); and senior standing
