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HDFS 311 - Adolescent and Emerging Adult Development

  • 3 credits

Physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of adolescents and emerging adults in context (e.g., family, relationships, culture). Developmental concepts, theory, and research relevant to typical development including behavioral and emotional outcomes. Emphasis on diversity of experiences as a function of social and ecological factors. 

In this course, students will examine the normative changes that adolescents and emerging and young adults experience in physiological/biological, social/emotional, and cognitive domains. In addition, the course covers multiple and diverse contexts in which adolescent and emerging and young adult development occur including family and peer relationships, and at a broader level, the areas of school, work, and culture. This course also explores problems in adolescence and emerging and young adulthood including health risk behaviors. Throughout the course, identity and ecological issues related to adolescents’ and emerging and young adults’ experiences vary as a function of their gender, sexual orientation, income, education, race/ethnicity and other critical factors of their ecology.

Course Learning Objectives

  • Examine the principal processes and core developmental theories related to both typical and atypical adolescent and emerging and young adult development.
  • Identify, examine, and understand contextual frameworks and ecology that influence adolescent and emerging and young adult development.
  • Demonstrate and apply theory and empirical research relevant to adolescent and emerging and young adult development.
  • Access, critically evaluate, and apply multiple forms of information (e.g., websites, internet sources, parenting information, and other media sources) related to adolescent and emerging and young adult development.
  • Acknowledge, differentiate, and analyze multiple points of view, including diverse and multicultural influences and perspectives relevant to adolescent and emerging and young adult development.
  • Demonstrate effective written and/or oral communication skills appropriate to theoretical, practical, and/or ethical situations related to adolescent and emerging and young adult development.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional skills, including ethical and culturally sensitive standards of conduct, as relevant to adolescent and emerging and young adult development.



HDFS 101 (Individual and Family Development) or PSY 100 (General Psychology) or Course Restriction: No Freshman; and completion of 30 credits

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.


Jaime Rotner
Jaime Rotner

9704913971 |

Jaime Rotner is an instructor in the HDFS deparment. She has been teaching various courses for 13 years. Her areas of interest are early childhood and adolescent development, parenting, relational proceses, attachment and risk/reslience.