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AREC 478 - Agricultural Policy

  • 3 credits
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You should consider this course if you are interested in learning about agricultural policies in the United States. Students who are interested in learning about how policies are made and how they can be influenced will find this course makes them more effective at developing public policy.

Students who take this course will understand how economics can be used to develop "good" policies that are helpful and efficient. They will also learn how economics can explain the politics that determine which policies are passed, implemented and enforced, regardless of whether they the best for everyone or just one special interest.

Students who take this course will have a better understanding of what policies are trying to accomplish and how they can accomplish different goals for different people. In addition to being able to suggest better policies, students in this course will be more able to have their voices heard by understanding the economics behind the politics that make some policies become a reality and others disappear.


AREC 202/ECON 202 (Agricultural and Resource Economics) or ECON 202/AREC 202 (Principles of Microeconomics) or Issues in Environmental Economics

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.
