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PSY 305 - Psychology of Religion

  • 3 credits

The vast majority of the world's population identifies itself as religious and/or spiritual. Relationships between religion/spirituality and attitudes, behavior, health, and psychological adjustment have been demonstrated in research. Because of this, it is important to better understand the role that religion and spirituality play in people's lives and to explore their roles in psychological functioning.

This course is a survey of the research on antecedents, development, correlates and consequences of religion and spirituality from a psychological perspective. The course is designed to enhance critical thinking skills, demonstrate how the methods of science can be applied to the study of religious and spiritual phenomena, provide an overview of a wide range of such research, and encourage you to make as many personal applications of course content as possible.


PSY 100 (General Psychology)

Important Information

Students enrolling late assume the risk of missing the deadline to receive a full refund of tuition. Please see drop/refund policy at

Textbooks and Materials

Section 801


  • Invitation to the Psychology of Religion, 3rd Ed.
    Paloutzian, R.F.

Textbooks and materials can be purchased at the CSU Bookstore unless otherwise indicated.

Other required readings will be accessible electronically and at no cost through the CSU electronic reserve.
