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PPA 592 - Special Topics in Public Policy and Admin

  • 3 credits
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In many public policy and administration careers, analyzing data will be a core responsibility of your work or of those you supervise. In order to effectively analyze data or supervise individuals who analyze data, understanding the importance of cleaning and preparing data for analysis is critical. Thus, this course will focus on fostering a deep understanding and mastering the basics of data cleaning and management, focusing specifically on doing so in such a way that is transparent, replicable, and accessible. 

Course Topics Include: 
Combatting imposter syndrome, R fundamentals, functions in R, foundations of working with data, cleaning numeric data, cleaning textual data, working with date variables, handling missing data, data dictionaries and documentation, reproducibility, data transformation, merging, introduction to databases, working with databases, mini introduction to data analysis.


PPA 500 or PPA 501.; Please note that overrides can be granted for the Spring 2022 semester for students without the prerequisite. Contact Shara Bassler Mortensen for assistance.
