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POLS 437 - International Security

  • 3 credits

This course seeks to explore and debate competing ideas of security in the hopes of getting a deeper understanding of what is meant by international and global security in the 21st century. By the end of the course, the student will be able to identify and discuss traditional security threats as well as those that are more unique to the present day, examine competing strategies for dealing with these threats, and critically evaluate the successes and failures of past and present thinking about security. By the end of the course, the student will have a richer understanding of 21st century international politics and a means of navigating the important debates about what kind of world in which we want to live.


Eric Fattor
Eric Fattor

I am a scholar of international politics, political theory and the politics of media–or as I now say: strategy, struggle and spectacle. Originally from Glenwood Springs, Colorado and a former resident of Oregon and Arkansas, I am as much at home in the outdoors as I am in the classroom or the library. Over the last ten years, I have taught courses at University of Denver, University of Colorado and Hendrix College. My current primary academic position is a lecturer of international politics, security and political theory at Colorado State University. Other courses I’ve taught include U.S. foreign policy, history of political thought, media and politics and a handful of interdisciplinary courses that combine global politics, security studies and media studies. My book American Empire and the Arsenal of Entertainment was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014. My current projects, including a textbook on media in global politics, seeks to reconceptualize information and entertainment disseminated by both state and non-state actors through advanced communications platforms as a form of power in in the creation of an international political and economic order.