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NR 515 - Natural Resources Policy and Biodiversity

  • 3 credits
Policy affects virtually all aspects of fish and wildlife conservation, management, and research, and because policy can change in relatively short periods of time, biologists, managers, and other professionals should have a good working knowledge of administrative policy and legislation that influence the natural resources profession. 
Federal and state governments have a substantial impact on how land is managed and where conservation dollars are spent. In NR 515, students review the history and evolution of natural resource policy, administration (including funding), and laws with an emphasis on managing biodiversity. How the legislation and agency rule-making processes work, how issues in natural resource management are analyzed, and how new statutes and policies are formed are covered. The course also addresses how science, advocacy, and public engagement influences policy and decision-making.


One political science course (POLS 100 to 481 - at least 1 course); and one natural resource management course (NR 100 to 281 - at least 1 course); or consent of instructor.

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.


Ed Arnett
Ed Arnett

Dr. Ed Arnett is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Dept. of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at Colorado State University since 2014. He also is Chief Executive Officer for The Wildlife Society – the professional society for wildlife biologists and students with more than 11,000 members. He has extensive experience in wildlife management, research, and policy in North America.