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MU 744 - Music Therapy Research to Practice

  • 3 credits
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Critically evaluate research processes pertaining to music therapy clients/consumers/patients and the profession.


MU 543 (Advanced Research Methods in Music Therapy); Written consent of instructor.


Blythe LaGasse

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Dr. Blythe LaGasse is coordinator and associate professor of music therapy at Colorado State University. For over eleven years, she has been a music therapist specializing in working with children with autism spectrum disorders. She continues to provide services to children in Fort Collins and works at summer intensive therapy camps.

At CSU, Dr. LaGasse teaches undergraduate and graduate coursework in music therapy, coordinates the music therapy clinics, and directs the Music Therapy Distance Learning Program.

Dr. LaGasse holds degrees from the University of Kansas (Ph.D. with music therapy and communication neuroscience emphasis), Colorado State University (M.M. in music, music therapy), and University of Kansas (B.M. in music therapy). Additionally, she was certified in neurologic music therapy (NMT) and was a trainer for the NMT Academy for eight years. With a strong background in communication neuroscience, her research interests include the use of music to improve communication and cognitive skills in children with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.

Dr. LaGasse has publications in Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, and Music and Medicine. She has served as the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) council coordinator for professional practices and the Midwestern Region AMTA president. She is on the editorial board for the Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives.

Laura Beer

Dr. Beer has extensive clinical experience as a music therapist, researcher, author, and educator. She has worked as a clinician in a range of settings, with her most recent clinical experience in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and with children who have multiple developmental challenges. She also serves as editor for Music Therapy Perspectives, one of AMTA’s two national peer-reviewed journals. She is committed to creating a more inclusive and social-justice oriented format for clinicians, students, educators, and allied health professionals. She has numerous publications including "Trauma-Informed Music Therapy: Theory and Practice" (co-editor) and "Using Music in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy," co-written with Jacqueline Birnbaum. Laura lives with her wife Cyndy, three cats, and little dog Gracie, and is humbled every day by their love and support.