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MGT 305 - Fundamentals of Management

  • 3 credits
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A basic understanding of the role of managers in today’s organizations is a must in any organization. The focus of this course is on the managerial activities of planning, organizing, directing and controlling organizational resources. Students will learn techniques of leading and motivating employees, designing effective organizations, understanding organizational cultures, controlling resources and effective communications.

This course consists of 16 learning modules to reinforce understanding of the concepts. Video cases and homework problems that have immediate feedback provides the student with the opportunity to apply the concepts addressed in each module. Module components include interactive readings, cases, video illustrations and other thought provoking activities.


Credit not allowed for both MGT 305 and MGT 320

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.
