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MATH 117 - College Algebra in Context I (GT-MA1)

  • 1 credit

Functions as mathematical models. Linear, quadratic, and polynomial functions considered symbolically, graphically, numerically, and contextually.

This course meets the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) requirements for Mathematics (Category 1B) and is approved under gtPathways in the content area of Mathematics (GT-MA1).

If you should have any questions about this course offering, please contact Academic Success Coordinator, Paige Kanatous, or Associate Chair for Foundational Mathematics, Steve Benoit, for more information.

This course meets the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) requirements for Mathematics (Category 1B) and is approved under gtPathways in the content area of Mathematics (GT-MA1).

Important Information

Prerequisites will be strictly enforced.
Degree-seeking students: Course registration eligibility is determined based on official transcripts you submit during the admissions process.
Nondegree-seeking students: Prerequisites for MATH 117 will not be strictly enforced, but students are encouraged to complete the Math Placement Tool and to seriously consider the placement outcome before registering for this course. Lack of background skills will impact the likelihood of success in MATH 117.

Textbooks and Materials

This course participates in the CSU Bookstore "inclusive access" program. An E-Text Access Code will automatically be activated by the CSU Bookstore for each student enrolled in one or more of MATH 117, 118, 124, 125, and 126. This code provides access to MATH 117, 118, 124, 125, and 126 for one registered student during one semester. Enrolling in more than one of these courses does NOT require multiple access codes.


Anita Pattison

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