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Written consent of instructor. Proficiency level of novice-high as determined by placement test or instructor.; Must be Graduate (GR) or Professional (PR) level.
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Instructor and curricular designer of both Spanish and English as a Second/Foreign language, Shannon received M.A. degrees in both English and Spanish, Language, Literature, and Culture from Colorado State University. Shannon’s graduate work focused on curricular design in Spanish for Specific Purposes, specifically Spanish for Dairies. Since then, collaboration with Dr. Maura Velázquez-Castillo and Dr. Danielle Frey, has led to extensive Language Needs Analyses for both small and large animal health and care. These efforts, which have been funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages Grant (2017-2018), the USDA Veterinary Services Grant Program (2016-2019) and PetSmart Charities (2021-2027), have resulted in innovative field-specific Spanish language curricula, conference presentations and publications. Shannon is passionate about designing and teaching evidence-based Spanish language programs that address language gaps that exist between English and Spanish-speakers in the U.S.