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JTC 411 - Media Ethics and Issues

  • 3 credits
JTC 411 explores professional ethics and the intricate relationship between media systems and social systems. Through rigorous analysis, students delve into ethical considerations across various forms of mass communication, including journalism, public relations, advertising, entertainment media, and social media. The course fosters critical thinking skills, enabling students to create evidence-based arguments and ethically justifiable decisions in mass communication scenarios. Additionally, students examine major ethical frameworks from diverse philosophical sources and apply them to real-world dilemmas, enhancing their ability to create and consume media content with ethical awareness. By evaluating differing viewpoints and assessing codes of ethics within the industry, students cultivate a deeper understanding of moral responsibility as individuals and future mass media professionals.

Textbooks and Materials

Section 801


  • Doing Ethics in Media: Theories and Practical Applications, 2nd Ed. (2021)
    Roberts, Chris & Black, Jay
    ISBN: 978-1138041110
    Not available at the CSU Bookstore
