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INST 200 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Globalization

  • 3 credits

INST 200 – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Globalization uses the subject of globalization to familiarize students with the field and methods of International Studies. We will explore this subject through assigned readings, written work, lectures, discussion, and student presentations. This course will enrich your understanding of the world by deepening your knowledge base and broadening your perspective. It will cultivate your awareness of past and present world problems, and help you to appreciate the value of International Studies as an interdisciplinary approach to global subjects. In the process, this course will target critical analysis, creativity, group work, public speaking, discussion, debate, reading, writing, and research.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify connections among multiple world regions.
  • Articulate key global issues.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with world history and current international affairs.
  • Critically evaluate the ideas and arguments of others as well as one’s own views.
  • Effectively communicate information and ideas.

This course meets the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) requirements for Global and Cultural Awareness (Category 3E).

Important Information

This course is required for the International Studies Major and the Global Studies Minor.
