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HONR 392 - Honors Seminar Study Abroad: Bridging Cultures -- USA-Italy

  • 3 credits
This course will familiarize you with theory, concepts, principles, research methods, and practical skills of intercultural and cross-cultural communication, construction and negotiation of Italian identity (Italianità), and strategies of an effective dialogue with a global mindset. The aim of the course is to transform its participants into culturally aware and skilled critical citizens with an understanding of the phenomenon of Italian national identity and experience of cultural bridging.  Intercultural dialogues with a global mindset lead us to examine our individual and collective identities as citizens of the world and members of a global community and economy. Because you will be immersed in Roman/Italian society instantly, this learning experience will take place in an intense, constant, and direct manner.

This course meets the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) requirements for Arts/Humanities (Category 3B).