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HONR 392 - Honors Seminar Zambia: Study Abroad: Reading and Writing: The Zambia Experience

  • 3 credits

This summer CSU faculty-led program takes students to Livingstone, Zambia to assist Zambians in educational settings (schools, after school programs, adult literacy programs, physical education programs), community health areas (clinics, home-based care, health education programs), gender equality programs, and sustainable building. Coursework focuses on ethics, motivations, and sustainability of development work. 

Described by many as "the Real Africa", Zambia is a country of wide open spaces rich in wildlife, with magnificent forests, wild rivers and wetlands - studded with lakes and impressive waterfalls. Livingstone is historically an English speaking community.  Livingstone is also the gateway to Victoria Falls and Zimbabwe to the South. Zambia's National Parks, such as the Kafue, have a staggering amount of wildlife and unparalleled game viewing opportunities. Students will have the opportunity to work on community driven projects and enjoy the natural beauty of all that Zambia has to offer.

This course meets the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) requirements for Arts/Humanities (Category 3B).