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GR 100 - Introduction to Geography (GT-SS2)

  • 3 credits

Major geographic themes applied to selected regions; physical environment, human-land relationships, and regional analysis.

This course meets the All-University Core Curriculum (AUCC) requirements for Social/Behavioral Sciences (Category 3C) and is approved under gtPathways in the content area of Geography (GT-SS2).

Textbooks and Materials

Section 801


  • Introduction to Geography: People, Places & Environment, 6th Ed. (2014)
    Dahlman, Carl H. and Renwick, William H.
    ISBN: 978-0321843333

Textbooks and materials can be purchased at the CSU Bookstore unless otherwise indicated.


Jason Sibold

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Dr. Sibold is a geographer with research focused on elucidating the natural and anthropogenic drivers of forest ecosystem dynamics and change, with the goal of aiding forest ecosystem management, restoration, and conservation. More specifically, he is interested in the influences of physical landscapes, biological characteristics, climate variability, and human land-use history on spatiotemporal patterns of fire and insect outbreaks and resulting forest landscape characteristics. His research is centered in the temperate forest ecosystems of the western U.S., and south-central Chile and spans spatial scales from forest stands and landscapes to mountain ranges and regions, and temporal scales from interannual to multimillennial. In his research he uses a combination of dendroecological (tree ring), Geographic Information System (GIS), and spatial analysis techniques. Current research projects include fire-insect interactions in the Colorado Rockies, fire history in the Great Basin, and fire history and regeneration in the Valdivian temperate rainforests of Chile. Dr. Sibold’s research has been published in Ecological Applications, Journal of Biogeography, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, and Landscape Ecology.