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FW 577 - Management of Wildlife Habitat

  • 3 credits
FW 577 addresses issues and techniques in conservation biology associated with preserving wildlife species by preserving their known or estimated habitats. It specifically examines the dynamic nature of habitats and the management strategies and techniques used to evaluate, classify, and enhance them with the goal of enhancing wildlife populations therein.

Textbooks and Materials

No textbook required.


FW 260 (Principles of Wildlife Management)

Important Information

Registration is restricted to FWCB Plan C Masters students until June 3. Any seats remaining in the course will be available to non-Plan C students at that time.

Textbooks and Materials

No textbook required.


Gail Dethloff
Gail Dethloff

Gail Dethloff is an ecologist with a focus on ecotoxicology and conservation biology. She earned a Ph.D. in ecology at University of California-Davis and has worked on a variety of projects focusing on biomonitoring, aquatic toxicology, natural resource assessment, and long-term ecological data collection to assist in identifying long-term trends. She directs the M.F.W.C.B graduate degree program in the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology and advises students in that program. She teaches online courses on wildlife ecology and management, habitat management, conservation biology, and ecotoxicology.