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Introduction to Ethnic Studies (ETST 100) is the foundation course for ethnic studies. The purpose of the course focuses on a different view of the diverse people in the United States from what is typically presented in public schools. The topics of multiculturalism, race as a social construct, race as a mediator of social relations, the challenges of race and the promise of equality, and new transformations regarding a new national dialogue about race will be studied.
Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to:
This course is presented in eight modules, with each module lasting one week. Each module consists of a reading from the required text, a reflective journal entry, a written annotated bibliography entry focused on one journal article, watching a video and writing a reflective response. In addition, there is a final assignment consisting of five blog entries related to conversations with marginalized people. So, the course takes eight weeks to complete. Students are asked to complete all tasks in each module each week before moving on. Students are also asked to not work ahead.
This course is approved under gtPathways in the content area of Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (GT-SS3).