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EGEU 2020 - Fundamentals of Tailings Engineering

  • 15 PDHs

Fundamentals of Tailings Engineering is a short course proudly offered on behalf of the Tailings and Industrial Waste Engineering (TAILENG) Center and the Tailings Center. This course is a broad overview of mine tailings with the objective of providing participants the fundamentals needed to engage in conversations, project, research, and subsequent learning opportunities on mine tailings. The broad overview will start with the generation of mine tailings in mining practices and end with discussions on key factors that drive the design and management of tailings storage facilities. Topics covered in the course include the following: generation of tailings in mining; physical, geochemical, and geotechnical characteristics; the tailings continuum and the role of dewatering and filtering; tailings geotechnics; and mine site operations and tailings management.

The short course will be offered Monday, March 22 through Friday, March 26 from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm MST (hour of Fort Collins, Colorado) each day. The course will include three 1-hr sessions each day that will be offered live and also made available asynchronously for up to four weeks after the course.

The sessions will include lectures and discussions focused on the following topics:

  • Tailings generation (mineral processing, tailings production)
  • Tailings characterization (physical and geochemicalcharacterization)
  • Tailings continuum and rheology (separation, dewatering,thickening, and filtering)
  • Tailings operations and geotechnics (overview of design)
  • Tailings innovation and minimization

Planned speakers: Christopher Bareither (CSU), Scott Olson (UIUC), Terry Eldridge (Golder), Chris Hatton (Golder), Mike Henderson (BGC), Priscilla Nelson (Mines), Erik Spiller (Mines), Rachel Jansen (P&C), and Matt Treinen (P&C).

Noncredit courses do not produce academic credit nor appear on a Colorado State University academic transcript.