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EDUC 619 - Curriculum Development

  • 3 credits

Curriculum Development seeks to provide practicing and pre-service classroom teachers and administrators with a framework for making curriculum decisions. The course examines historical traditions, curriculum philosophies, best practice instructional theories, contemporary curriculum issues, standards practices, and backward design theory.

Important Information

For questions or concerns contact Juliana Searle with the Center for Educator Preparation at (970) 491-5292.

Section 801 - Principal Licensure and MNSE students only
Section 802 - Masters + Teacher Licensure (Secondary)
Section 804 - Masters + Teacher Licensure (Early Childhood Education)


Wendy Barnes

9704915292 |

Derek Decker

9704916677 |

Derek Decker is an advisor and instructor for Colorado State University’s School of Teacher Education and Principal Preparation. He is an advisor to students going through teacher licensure and teaches EDUC 350 which is the second phase of licensure. He also instructs part of EDUC 340 Literacy and the Learner and is the lead instructor for EDUC 350. He has also been instructing EDUC 619 Curriculum Design via online.

Joy Decker

9704915292 |