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EDCT 612 - Career and Technical Administrative Strategy

  • 3 credits

Basic educational systems; the scientific method as a basis for analysis; systems as a tool for planning and decision making.

Students who need this course but have missed the deadline to enroll online, please contact your instructor for an override to register late. Please contact Dawn Mallette in SOE (Dawn.Mallette@colostate) or CSU Online staff to discuss the financial penalties of late registration.

This course is not delivered by distance media; it is driven by an agreement between the instructor and the student. Typical examples are thesis, research, internship, and other courses where the objectives and activities are determined jointly by the instructor and the student. In most cases, the agreement on course activities and objectives is reached with the student and advisor or instructor before enrollment in the course. During the course, the instructor and student communicate by any convenient means, usually phone and email.

This course has an online component delivered through Canvas.


Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate (GR) OR Professional (PR)


Miriam Marie Leonard