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Develop the skills needed to effectively participate in graduate work (both orally and in writing) and learn how to successfully function in academic discourse communities. Participate in a number of rotations related to current research interests of department faculty, explore advanced research in the field, and develop skills to produce research.
Graduate standing; May be taken twice for credit.
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Sanjay Rajopadhye is Professor in the Computer Science Department. He also holds a joint appointment in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He joined the faculty at CSU in 2001 and was previously a CNRS researcher at Irisa, Rennes, France, where he headed the COSI research group. Rajopadhye received the B. Tech (honors) degree in Electrical Engineering from the India Institute of Tech. , Kharagpur and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Utah.
Rajopadhye’s interests cover parallel algorithms and architectures, embedded systems, functional programming, high performance computing on multi- and many-care architectures, automatic parallelization and optimization. He is one of the original developers of the polyhedral model, a formalism for reasoning about an important class of compute-and data-intensive programs. The model, originally developed in the context of automatic synthesis of systolic arrays from recurrence equations has found increasing application from compilation to multi- and many-core architectures.