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Global water resources are under relentless pressure from development, pollution, and climate shifts. Billions are threatened by unsafe water, drought, floods, and failure of deteriorating water systems. To tackle these challenges, integrated solutions require effective technology, management, and governance. The course prepares advanced undergraduates and graduate students to apply these solutions across the water industry. Case studies and student presentations address a range of global water issues as well as U.S. and Colorado water issues. Students without hydrology prerequisite may contact instructor to discuss suitability of the course.
Basic Hydrology
Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.
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Neil S. Grigg is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Colorado State University. His professional fields are water resources and infrastructure engineering and management. He is a registered professional engineer in Colorado, Alabama, and North Carolina. Currently, he is teaching courses on infrastructure management and security and water resources planning and management.
He works on water resources and infrastructure management and specializes in topics related to local governments and utilities, with emphasis on buried infrastructure management. His engineering experience includes business, government and academia. Recent books authored include: Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure Management; Integrated Water Resources Management; Infrastructure Finance: The Business of Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future); and the Water Business: From the Global Environment to Your Tap.