Select one of the options below:
Organizations cannot survive without access to accurate, timely, and reliable information. This information comes from various systems (e.g., mobile devices, point-of-sale systems, ERP systems, online ordering systems, data warehouses), all of which have databases at their core. The ability to design, implement, manipulate, and manage a database are necessary skills for students in Computer Information Systems, and are highly relevant skills for students in other concentrations and majors.
This course provides a rigorous foundation in relational database management systems and their value to business enterprises. Students receive hands-on experience with: Data analysis, database design, database administration; data modeling and querying; data sublanguages (stored procedures) and encryption; distributed database systems.
CIS 605 (Business Visual Application Development) or CIS 611 (Object-Oriented Systems); Admission to the MCIS program; Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate (GR) OR Professional (PR)
Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.