Join the CSU College of Business for an exclusive educational opportunity designed for MBA students to explore contemporary business issues through visits to a cross-section of companies in the greater Los Angeles area. Students will engage in company tours, receive presentations from senior executives, and participate in discussions on critical business topics such as the economic climate's impact on business, the role of AI and machine learning, innovation strategies, supply chain dynamics, and the importance of ESG in Business for a Better World. The program culminates with each student writing an analytical paper on one of the discussed topics, combining theoretical knowledge with practical insights gathered during our visits. This immersive experience is tailored to bridge the gap between academic theories and real-world business applications, preparing students for advanced leadership roles.
This course can be applied towards:
Admission to a master’s program in Business required; Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate (GR) OR Professional (PR).
Important Information
This course is offered in-person only and students must attend both days 8:00-5:00 pm MST
Textbooks and Materials
Required course material and textbooks are posted in RamCT MBA Information Exchange approximately six weeks prior to the beginning of classes. For questions regarding access to RamCT contact MBA Support at (800) 491-4522 x 5 or