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BMS 300 - Principles of Human Physiology

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This course is designed to provide a general introduction to human physiology.

Topics covered include: cells; tissues/skin; skeletal system; endocrine system; nervous system; muscle system; blood; lymphatics; nonspecific immunity; humoral immunity; cellular immunity; cardiovascular system; respiratory system; urinary system; digestion and metabolism; and reproduction.

For students unfamiliar with CSU course designations, prerequisites listed below are equivalent to a semester of college biology and a semester of college chemistry. More information about course equivalents can be found at


BZ 101 (Humans and Other Animals) or BZ 110 (Principles of Animal Biology) or Attributes of Living Systems; CHEM 103 (Chemistry in Context) or CHEM 107 (Fundamentals of Chemistry) or General Chemistry I or instructor approval

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the" href="">CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the" href="">CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.


John Walrond

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John Walrond is an associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University. Dr. Walrond's research interests focus on the structure and function of central and peripheral nicotinic cholinergic synapses.