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ANTH 373 - Human Evolution

  • 3 credits

This course explores the evolutionary history, sequence of events, and current debates in human evolution, concentrating on biocultural changes in the human lineage. We will examine geologic time, the fossil record, and evolutionary theory. Mammalian, primate, and human evolutionary history will then be investigated using comparative anatomy and physiology. We will explore major trends in human evolutionary history such as the advent of bipedalism, growth and development, the reduction of the size of the dentition, encephalization, and technological innovations. Lastly, we will look at modern human anatomy, genetics, and variation.

Human Evolution (ANTH 373) is an upper-division anthropology course and may be used concurrently with the Capstone Seminar (ANTH 493).


ANTH 120 (Human Origins and Variation) or BZ 110 (Principles of Animal Biology)

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.
