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AGRI 637 - Understanding Policy and Emerging Issues

  • 3 credits

Origination, purpose, and policy effects on land-based enterprises; policy effects on management decisions.

Course Objectives:

1. Policy Description: 
To understand how and why policies are made:
 why policies are needed, who the participants are, how policy is implemented and how they impact society.
2. Policy Analysis: 
To understand how to apply policy instruments, to determine who they impact and how, and to understand and use the political economy to make policies more effective

3. Agricultural and Community Issues: 
To study example problems in agriculture that merit policy consideration and how rural landowners interact with the community.


Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate (GR) OR Professional (PR).

Textbooks and Materials

No exterior materials required.


Kraig Peel
Kraig Peel

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Ph.D. Meat Science, Texas A&M University; M.S. Animal Nutrition, Texas A&M University; B.S. Animal Sciences, Angelo State University

Dr. Peel is an Assistant Professor at Colorado State University and is the coordinator for the Integrated Resource Management master's program. He helped develop this innovative graduate program in IRM and routinely guest lectures in a variety of College of Agricultural Sciences courses.

Dana Hoag
Dana Hoag

9704915549 |

Dr. Hoag is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at CSU. He grew up in the Colorado mountains where he developed his strong interest in nature and agriculture. He received his first degree in Farm and Ranch Management at Colorado State University and Ph.D. at Washington State University. He has worked on a variety of research projects with the integrating theme: farm/ranch management and policy related to the environment. He is best known for soil conservation and water quality management in watersheds and wildlife conflicts with agriculture. Dr. Hoag has published several articles about economic and environmental tradeoffs. For example, published foundational articles about cap and trade for nutrient pollutants in water. He developed a tool that helped state decision makers in Colorado determine the economic impact of prairie dog colony losses on farms. He also did a study on the impact of wildlife damages on Colorado agriculture, a study on native grassland losses in the Prairie Potholes, Elk Management in Yellowstone, and the reintroduction of wolves in Colorado.

Dr. Hoag has extensive experience in research that he draws from for this class in ecosystem services, including teaching and outreach to farmers, ranchers, agencies and policy makers. He has strong teaching evaluations, where students say that he makes subjects interesting, fun and meaningful.