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CSU Extension brings an online beekeeping program tailored specifically for the Colorado and Mountain West region. This program is for individuals who are passionate about the environment and interested in learning how to support healthy honeybee colonies in the unique Mountain West region.
The format for this training is 100% online and self-paced giving you the flexibility to start anytime and learn on your own timeline. CSU Online offers a certifying full course ‘mastery bundle’ and multiple individual courses to meet anyone’s needs. Regardless of your path, you’ll receive in-depth beekeeping training provided by CSU faculty and specialists.
From harsh climates to high elevations, keeping bees in the Mountain West presents its own set of challenges. Our program equips you with location and climate-specific knowledge essential for nurturing thriving colonies. Developed by experts, our science-based approach covers everything from weather-related issues to pest management, ensuring the well-being of your bees.
Program highlights include:
Whether you're a hobbyist beekeeper or looking to venture into sideline beekeeping, our program caters to anyone in Colorado and the Mountain West region. Our students are curious, observant, and passionate about natural sciences and ecology. If you're a farmer with pollinator-dependent crops or simply intrigued by the world of beekeeping, this program is an excellent introduction.
Honeybee hives managed by knowledgeable beekeepers have better overwintering success and lower instances of disease and parasites, compared to beekeepers who have not taken in-depth classes to improve their skills.